Friday, April 8, 2011

Mourning the Loss: Aroma d'Italia

On our honeymoon in Italy, we had the privilege of tasting delicious limoncello gelato on the Amalfi Coast with all the sunny splendor of those giant sweet Amalfi lemons. So I can tell you, at least in my humble opinion, that when Aroma d'Italia said they have the "best gelato outside of Italy," their limoncello flavor really does live up to that title.

Amalfi Coast lemon in Positano
Walking down the city dock on a sunny day, looking at the boats and licking away at gelato would take us back to Napoli and our Italian adventure. But now, it seems Aroma d'Italia is leaving Annapolis.

Just like any loss, I start thinking if I'd only known... I would have gone more often, or at least one more time!

Aroma d'Italia will be missed by this Annapolitan.

See Article: Popular Gelato Eatery has Closed on


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