Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Best Pizza and a Movie

After only a sliver of a taste at the Best of Annapolis Party, we just had to try the Best Pizza. Rocco's Pizza has won the Best Pizza category for at least four years now, and happy Annapolitans have been eating for 35 years.

The Best Pizza of Annapolis
Rocco's pizza doesn't look like much at first glance, but what it lacks in beauty it makes up for in deliciousness.

Rocco's cheeze pizza is yum

The pizza crust was thin, true to New York style, but substantial and not soggy at all. Top that with juicy sweet tomato sauce and melted mozzarella with just a hint of smokiness and there you have it - survey says: best pizza.

The best pizza has gotta with a good movie. I'm a sucker for both romance and action, so we took a chance on The Adjustment Bureau.

The Adjustment Bureau is ©Universal Pictures

The movie kept us involved and on the edge of our seats. After the climax, the husband was dying to know the screenwriter. Who wove together this thrilling story? The screen went dark and the words "Based on a story by Philip K. Dick" appeared.

Oh, that makes sense.


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